Extension configuration for PHP


Those parameters are defined in the nudge.ini which is part of the Nudge-PHP bundle.

This bundle is available on the Atakama support :

Download Nudge-PHP Bundle

Once the bundle is downloaded and unzipped, you will find the file in the extension/vx.x.x/conf folder.

Global parameters


Type String
Default value [none]
Mandatory Yes

Path file of the Nudge APM PHP extension.


Type String
Default value [none]
Parameter format folder-path:nudge-application-key
Mandatory Yes

Attribution of a Nudge APM application key to one of the folder served by your Apache.
You can specify multiples folders by separate them with a comma.

Your application key can be found in the application settings at Nudge APM.

Below, some examples for using this parameter :


Type String
Default value
Mandatory No

Hostname or IP adress of you Nudge APM agent.


Type String
Default value 1025
Mandatory No

Listening port of you Nudge APM agent.

Logging configuration


Type String
Default value error
Mandatory No

Logging levels of the messages provided by the extension.
Values permitted :


Type String
Default value /var/log/nudge/nudge-extension.log
Mandatory No

Path for the extension logging file.

Tracing functions


Type String
Default value [none]
Mandatory No
Parameter format {class_name}:{function_name}.{layer}.{function_param}

With this parameter you can instrument specific classes and functions of your code, and aggregate them in a specific layer (SQL, WS, Elasticsearch, REST, RabbitMQ, business layer, …).

Parameter format :

An example with a sayHello function, from a Hello class and aggregated in a Nudge layer called user : nudge.trace_functions=AppBundle\Utils\Hello:sayHello.user

You can specify multiple functions to trace, the separator is , :