

Nudge APM provides a complete API that lets you retrieve data or manage your applications settings for example.

Entry points

To discover the API, you can browse the entry points and invoke resources via a simple UI . You can access the REST API through the API button on the Nudge APM interface


The API is secured by your authentication. If you want to use the API inside an external tool, you will have to use a specific authentication token.

You can create and manage your own tokens in the User menu of Nudge APM UI. In the bottom of this page, you have a button that lets you create authentication token and a table taht contains the tokens already created.

When you create a new token, you have to choose its time to live. It means that you can specify a delay after which the token will be unuseable.

When creating a new token or clicking on a token of the table, a modal form displays you the token that you can copy and paste inside the tool that you want to be able to request the API. Inside this modal form you can revoke the token by clicking on the revoke button during 3 seconds.

The API is used through https and the token must be inserted in the Authorization http header with the prefix Bearer.

This is an example of curl command that you can use to get the list of applications you are allowed to use:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {your-token}"

ELK - Elastic Stack

ElasticSearch / « HEAD » graphic plugin

Setting up of Kibana


Our script available on Github is an example of integration between Nudge APM and Nagios. That plugin verifies that a strategic task is executed correctly on a regular basis.

Neotys - Neoload