Date : 21/08/2024
- Add the profiling tab for PHP apps
- Optimization of the app summary API endpoint :
Date : 16/07/2024
- Fix of the mail not being able to be sent sometimes through SMTP
- Add parameters to customize Tomcat when launching the server using Docker
Date : 28/05/2024
Fixes :
- Access the details of a transaction when the user has guest access
- Fix log4j logging (nudge-server.log)
- Date parsing error that was poluting logs
- Bad CQL command for database healthcheck, which was poluting logs
Date : 22/03/2024
Improvements and new features
- New API endpoint to export all Nudge application data for archiving
- Option to configure the lifespan of recorded metrics (default duration : 3 month)
- Configure multiple LDAPs for Nudge authentication
- Filter alerts by application
Date : 11/01/2024
Improvements and new features
- Automatic refresh over a selectable period of time (5s, 10s… 5h)
Date : 03/11/2023
- Ability to change the pattern of authorized URLs for screen integration (infrastructure, ux, rum…)
Date : 09/10/2023
- Admin panel :
- Max number of agents authorized
- Visual and ergonomical update
- New agent types Dotnet and NodeJS
- New “Waterfall” view for advanced analysis of transactions traced through many microservices
- Agent pop-up : New layout
- Use “code” by default instead of the transaction “alias” when creating SLA
- Display of admin screen
Date : 05/11/2023
- New app types : NodeJS and dotNet (next available agents)
- Add administrator panel (V1)
- Timeout fix (server tab)
- Better date and time synchronization between PH Nudge APM and other PH Nudge products tabs
- Dependencies and security updates
Date : 03/28/2023
- Display used agents (applications listing) in a pop-up windows
- Fix datas and encoding, more robust code
Date : 03/21/2023
- Revert Agent listing in a pop-up
Date : 03/14/2023
- Fix some labels encoding problem
Date : 03/10/2023
- Display used agents (applications listing) in a pop-up windows
- More graphs can be added to a report
- Top 5/10 SQL display switches to Top 5/10 Mongo according to database type
- New contact email
- Handling an error related to the snapshot version
- Display of a message when a snapshot version is deployed
- Dependencies and security updates
- Fixed global project configuration (pom and transient dependencies)
Date : December 22, 2022
Technical improvements
- Merge all configuration files into assembler configuration file
- Dependencies and security updates
Date : 15 november 2022
Improvements and novelties
- Reports generation - adding graphs :
- Percentiles
- Layers : Transactions entrantes
- Layers : SQL
- Layers : HTTP
- Layers : detailed transactions, http requests, sql requests
- Errors list
- Detailed stack list
- Disabling “revoke access” button on account page for current user or selected account administrator
- Transactions webpage : timeout value can now be defined into property file (default : 10 s)
- Tabs position can now be defined into property file
Technical improvements
- Adding rewrite valve for redirecting webpages on collector servors
- Dependencies and security updates, stl fixes
- Removing Intercom old implementation
- Updating node, npm, and frontend-maven versions (causing compilation fails and interfaces alignments)
Date : 25 april 2022
Fixed issue
- Fixed problem with refreshing some tabs when updating the analysis period
Date : 25 april 2022
Improvements and novelties
- « Percentile 95 Synthesis» tab :
- Presents a graphic view of the evolution of Response Times in 95th percentile
- List of the Top 10 slowest transactions in 95th percentile
- List of the Top 10 slowest SQL queries in 95th percentile
- Updated “Reports” template
- Automatic bidirectional change of analysis periods between the different modules (APM, DEM, Synthetic, …)
- Centralization of the probes downloading (Java, PHP, DotNet) from the support area of each customer
Watch these improvements here
Technical improvements and fixed issues
- Dependencies update
- GWT version update
- Fixed crash when using special characters at login
Date : 31 january 2022
Improvements and novelties
- Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) : Monitoring of Business Transactions (digital browsing of Internet users) and performance diagnosis
- User Experience Monitoring : Geolocation and Monitoring of Internet users while their browsing and performance diagnosis
- Real User Monitoring (RUM) : Geolocation and Monitoring of internal users and diagnosis of application performance and technique of the “end point”
- Synthetic Monitoring : Deployment of “robots” for executing business transactions or digital browsing, monitoring availability, user satisfaction and performance diagnosis
- Extended Infrastructure Monitoring : Monitoring Hosts, Docker/Container, JVM, Tomcat, Networks, …
- Automatic Report Generation : Automatic generation of reports and planning of executions and sendings
- Customizing Monitoring Dashboards : All the new features oriented digital experience (DEM and UX), user satisfaction (UX and RUM), synthetic and infrastructures offer the possibility of customizing dashboards
- Powerhouse Nudge APM Agent updates : Java 17, .Net (beta version)
- Automatic launch of Load Tests with POWERHOUSE NUDGE PERFORMER from the POWERHOUSE NUDGE APM console
Watch these improvements here
Fixed Issues
- Fixed issue with removing apps with dead app-report links
- Fixed issue while sending mails via Gmail server (TLS protocol) when resetting the password
- Fixed link to the documentation was not working when logged in english
Date : 15 september 2021
- Updated the Tomcat version used to run the application
=> Nudge now uses Tomcat version 9 for cloud installations
Date : 27 august 2021
- Updated PHP agent download link. The user is now redirected to the Atakama support site where a page groups together the agent installation and download procedure
- Updated content of the popup for adding a new application
- Added the ability to reset a user’s password from the login page. An email containing a randomly generated password is sent to the user who can then log in and replace his password as desired.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed registration issue when adding users as administrator
- Fixed link to the T & Cs was not working
- Various internal fixes
Date : 18 may 2021
- New version 3.5.0 of the Java agent which can now instrument Java 9 and + applications
Date : 17 march 2021
- Various internal changes following changes in the architecture of production environments
Date : 14 july 2020
- Internal change on account administrators
Date : 27 february 2020
Fixed Issue
- Fix the behavior of the resource API /users/{id}/tokens, which could return an empty list previously
Date : 21 nov. 2019
- New template for Powerhouse APM (on premise version)
Date : 4 juil. 2019
- The alerts resource API now refers to its generated alerts
Fixed Issue
- SQL graphic fix that may be empty on the services tab
- Normal behavior on API resource /alert/{id}, which could return an empty list previously
Date : 15 avr. 2019
- Monitoring of Tomcat datasource pools
Date : 5 dec. 2018
Fixed Issue
- Fix an issue on API resource : app/{id}/event
Date : 5 oct 2018
Fixed Issues
- Fix the display issue on SQL transactions, when the execution count is incorrect
- Tomcat and Java MBeans are now available on the JMX tab
- API resource /alerts/{id}, is now operational
- Fix the error on an application removal (appeared when the owner of the application is an account not a user)
Date : 12 august 2018
Fixed Issue
- Add non-admin users to groups
- Handle empty transaction dashboard during a data consistency issue
Date : 6 august 2018
- Add expiration date for users (via API call)
Fixed Issue
- Add user with uppercase email addresses to group
- Split too long JMX URLs
Date: 2nd march 2018
- Internal optimization of agents messages collect
Fixed Issue
- Neoload integration for PHP
Date: 25th feb. 2018
- Accounts Users groups for authorizations
- New JVM and Tomcat tabs for Jave services
- Profiling for .NET apps (beta)
Fixed Issue
- Top 5 SQL zoom failure
- Some transactions does not have any type when appeares first time
Date: 7th november 2017
On premise
- revert rawdata archive option default value
- fix issue that sometime excluded an app from being analysed
2.16.3 & 2.16.4
Date : 2nd november 2017
- add type of incoming transactions in transactions table
- improve report email
Fixed Issue
- fix mbean histograms display
Date : 11th october 2017
Fixed Issue:
- fix report stacked layer chart when measures are discontinuous
Date : 10th october 2017
- little profiler design Improvements
Fixed Issue:
- adjust UI timeout when displaying flame graph
Date : 9th october 2017
- Graphical design for the profiling
Fixed Issue:
- System: issue displaying CPU load and consumption when one of both isn’t available
Date : 1st october 2017
Issue fixed:
- Users with account rights might not be able to view errors details of account’s apps
Date : 12 september 2017
- Several improvements and minor issues fixed
Date : 29 august 2017
- Generalization of account’s user rights to account’s apps
- Profiling : tree loading improvement
Issues fixed:
- .NET apps rendering issues inside some screens
2.15.2 (2.15.1 included)
Date : 29 august 2017
- On-prem : optimisation calculs et stockage mémoire des histogrammes
- Profiling : regroupement de classes générées contenant des identifiant
Date : 21 august 2017
- .NET applications support (beta)
- new API resource for acl
- new API resource for transaction profiling
Issues fixed:
- event not raised for an alert without analysis period
- display error from alert configuration volum filter
- other ui errors
Date : 26th july 2017
- GUI : services tab: components does not refresh with timeframe change
Date : 16th july 2017
Issue fixed:
- GUI : firefox issue avoiding switching application
Date : 2nd july 2017
Issue fixed:
- services : configuration and components list some time in different services
Date : 31 may 2017
- login/signup with github ID
On premises:
- agents usage export improved
Date : 30 may 2017
- display application components & dependencies, requires Java Probe 3.2.
- new API for application access control, see api-examples for details.
Issues fixed:
- hide tomcat error status for expired JWT tokens
- fix bad arrow direction on map for some services
- changing service does not properly update table.
Date : 25 apr. 2017
- Improve API token table is now sorted by expiration
- API Console with logo for On-Premises
Issues fixed:
- Error 500 when retrieving errors
- On-Premises upgrade fix from 2.13
- Unable to login when password uses some special characters
- Unable to use sessions when
also includes 2.13.2 and 2.13.1\
Date : 12 apr. 2017
Issues fixed:
- Alert configuration not accessible with too many alerts.
- Unable to update report schedule
Date : 4 apr. 2017
- Integrate with online payment (not available on-premises).
Date : 25 apr. 2017
- Several minor bug fixes and improvements
Date : 30 mar. 2017
- API tokens management from UI
Issues fixed:
- Period change not considered inside Services tab
- Chart popup of the layer transaction time chart display error
- No mail sent with password for new invited user
Date : 05 mar. 2017
- API call with token inside http header
- Limit of login failures
- JMX : automatic detection of incremental values
On premises:
- Custom password format policy
2.12.0 & 2.12.1
Date : 22 feb. 2017
- Derivative charts improvement for incrementing values
- API: histograms for services metrics
- Sessions: grouped transactions for better display
- New report widget for given app synthesis
- New display options for JMX metrics
- Profiling: browser save and restores columns visibility state set by user
Issues fixed:
- Sessions: Recent sessions of the period are not displayed
- Sessions: Sort by duration broken
- Percentiles sometime greater than maximum
- Possible to configure alert setting after its deletion from a notification
- UI sometimes sends API requests on unknown elements
- UI lets user change transaction name event if he is not administrator
On premises:
- UI sessions replaced par JWT
- Several optimization of the analysis engine and rawdata upload controler
- New option to choose which transaction details should be kept
- More dynamic change of controler settings
- Timestamped storage for files uploaded by probes
- Upgrade Cassandra driver towards version 3
- Visibility improvement of cassandra timeouts with huge analysis load
Date : 10 jan. 2017
- Percentile chart with multiple series
Issues fixed:
- Configuration popup of transaction apdex can’t be displayed
Date : 7 jan. 2017
- System monitoring provided by app agents, inside Services tab
- JMX chart: use unit depending on values
Date : 25 dec. 2016
- Histogram quality improvement
- Alerts: WebHook notification (documentation to come)
- direct link between main dashboard’s alerts and notifications screen
- Services tab: display las start timestamp and number of restarts in the period
- Services tab: improved and easy to use action of comparison
- JMX: use specific unit depending on values
- Main dashboard: alerts display improvement
- Mais dashboard: table sorting options
- Transactions tab: create pre-configured alerts for specific transaction
- Graphs cursors synchronization
Issues fixed:
- Case when main dashboard fails to display
- Case when several alerts rises at the same instant
- Transaction details : case when wrong details displayed
- Case when graph cursors freeze
- Case when charts in reports is too high
- Hide useless “Show All” buttons on some graphs
- Cancel report schedules when deleting application
- Reports: JMX charts displays 0 instead of holes when there are no measure
- Services tab : impossible to zoom inside graphs
Date : 27 nov. 2016
- Main dashboard load time is reduced (especially when many applications are displayed)
Issues fixed:
- Fixing display issues in several screens when using the Firefox browser
- Reports: On report deletion, corresponding scheduled sendings are also deleted
Date : 20 nov. 2016
- the services tab include active instances even if some of them have no transaction
- detailed view of IP address related information available from session list and transaction details
- display synchronized cursors when several graphs are in the same screen
- map: incoming and outgoing transactions displayed in several axis
- map: improvement of web services naming
Issues fixed:
- avoid selection of an empty time period
- report widget of JMX values by service should filter inactive services
- fix of screen updates while browsing from an application to another
Date : 5 nov. 2016
- map improvement: links between services get colors and width according to data flow
- events raised by disabled alert become hidden
Date : 5 nov. 2016
- removal of last flash components
- map improvement: detailed incoming transaction types
- new design for services screen
- comparison between service configurations
Issues fixed:
- map: link measures no more duplicated
- sessions: loading issue in some case
- layer chart: the stack was not filled in some cases
Date : 15 oct. 2016
Issues fixed:
- transaction details : wrong APDEX displayed
- session call details may hide after first display
- wrong localized date format in application overview
- can’t use unit in minutes in order to define an alert
- report sending : hidden drop down list when there are too much recipients
- layer graphs in transaction overview are too tiny in some screen resolutions
- percentile charts are not using 0 as minimum Y axis
- particular format of session id can not be parsed
- sessions are loaded twice
- filter creation may fail because of wrong regular expression control
- can choose to create a default report scheduling when creating an application
- TOP-5 tables from application overview have quick links towards the matching section of the transaction tab
- retrieve user rights on applications
- get and manage application filters
On premises:
- deleted weird message on login page
- display of error message when password is wrong
- dealing with logins not being emails
- fix of internal error when trying to substitute to unknown login
Date : 18 sep. 2016
Issues fixed:
- timezone issue seen in generated reports
- Improved performance when dealing with metrics
- application deletion need to be confirmed
Date : 11 sep. 2016
- User behavior analysis through Java sessions
- New chat system to communicate with helpdesk
- Transaction details screen improvement
- Reports’ charts improvement
- Improvement of the applications’ data collector
- Simplified loading of static resources
- Transaction details: add of dates in ISO format
Date : 23 aug. 2016
- New feature : message spreading through UI
- Fix about user creation with external authentication when this one already exists in local data
Bug fixes:
- Fixed the probe version identification mechanism
- New grant sended an email with a wrong user name
- A wrong locale was used in PDF reports
Date : 4 aug. 2016
2.7.6 included\
- No more false positives of application outage alerts
- New communication capabilities with load balancing system (better robustness and faster failure recovery in case of a clustered installation)
- Memory usage optimization concerning applications’ data collection
- Handling of incoming application data even in case of database outage (better robustness and failure recovery)
- Fix about the retrieval of alert notifications in some rare cases
On Premises:
- New on-premises parameter
for filtering incoming collected application data over a given size
- Fix about user creation (for an on-premises installation)
- Authentication with the LDAP protocol
Date : 17 jul. 2016
- New tab with transactions details
- Several UI improvements
- considering probe message with some wrong formats
- fix application’s Timezone
- errors graph : consider real period limits
- several fix when using API with some unusual cases
- several charts fix
Known bugs:
- sometimes wrong notification of probe update : it happens that the probe version number is badly considered during rawdata analysis so notification is mistaken
Date : 5 jui. 2016
- Transactions details available for analysis through the API
- Several ergonomic improvements
- Considering immediately changes of APDEX settings
- Fixes of links to the documentation
- Fix of the loading of the
Date : 22 jun. 2016
- Charts tooltips: display begin and end date of granularity
- Application map aggregation improvements
- No more lack of instances when the period is large
- Several display fixes
Date : 12 jun. 2016
2.7.1 included\
- Fix requests on large time periods
- Fix javascript error with Firefox
- Olark localization
- reports: add of user name and end time when generating report
- New user profile form
- filters remove tag in target code when the transaction doesn’t contains related parameter (instead of letting it as is)
- Fix rawdata files requests
- Fix of database initialization
2.6 & before
New features:
- Follow-up of transactions between two or more monitored applications ; Transactions can be followed across many apps, This is what we call the Cross-AppS,
- Automatic monitoring of requests towards the MongoDB database,
- The Java public API is now freely available on https://bitbucket.org/nudge-apm/probe-java-api : feel free to use the @Trace annotation in your code !
- connectivity check test: Can be executed in order to easily test the connectivity with the remote collector,
- Customize your software layers through the
@Trace annotation
- Customize your software layers through the “trace_classpath_regex” parameter.
- Real-User-Monitoring (RUM) with other JavaServerFaces implementations (better coverage) and for JSPs under WebLogic,
- Dynamic and automic replacement of buggy classfilewriter implementation of JBoss,
- Automatic bytecode dump in case of instrumentation failure,
- Automatic activation of JMX tree under Glassfish,
- More logging by default in the first minutes of an application run,
- Support of HTTP parameter with several values,
- Support of JMX composite data type,
- Automatic naming/filtering of temporary JMS queues (Tibco for example),
- Detection of HTTP client calls through Axis 1,
- Error detection from Servlet level (version 3),
- On-Premises : custom report branding and sender setting for alert emails,
- Filters available for outgoing transactions (layers).
Bug fixes:
- EJB layer call-tree without bounded transaction,
- Compatibility JDK 1.5 with
- Java layer response time computation with EJB and SQL layers,
with injection of a null value parameter in case of SQL prepared statements,
- Javascript injection overriding
- Instrumentation of some class constructors,
- Support of classes that are both EJB and WS descriptor,
- Support of Derby and SQL-Server,
trying to get the URL of a WS that is only declared by annotation,
- On-Premises: fix url inside invite e-mail message and avoid similar file name when receiving rawdata,
- UI: considering browser timezone correctly,
- Alerts: jvm outage: considering data collection time instead of data analyze time.
New features:
- Create and manage your PHP Apps,
- Create Automatic Reporting,
- Create reports with API,
- Add JMX data in the reports,
- Download live PDF reports and send PDF reports by email.
- Easy probe update with
- New probe download screen,
- Map improvement for “Java Probe 3.0” (coming soon).
Bug fixes:
- Alerts: JVM outage,
- Report: Wrong colors in layers charts,
- Notification: Fix several minor bugs & Apdex controls.
- Profiling storage in Cassandra 2 for a better performance,
- Cassandra connection pool vision with JMX,
- Memory usage improvement.
- New “reporting menu” to manage and generate reports,
- Add directly the graphs and dashboards in your report with a single click,
- API’s new ressources.

General design:
- Get direct links to API, Documentation, Helpdesk and Report on the left side menu,
- Create an application through a new visual green button,
- Switch directly from application’s dashboards to parameters (and reverse),
- Easy “live deactivation” button of an application,
- Alerts: decimal value allowed in thresholds.
- New framework: web services Axis 1 is now supported
- JMX: Choose to have your JMX’s curves in derivative (for increasing values),
- Business Transactions: Check out directly in the Global view the performance of your application by layers at a glance (see picture 1) & Assign an alias on outgoing transactions (apart from SQL),
- API: IANA norm is now handled for API’s dates,
- RUM: See what OS and Browsers are used with your application (see picture 2),
- Alerts: Choose time granularity & Deactivate all SLA and Alerts directly from your application’s platform (eg : for maintenance operations),
- UI: A lot of small modifications to allow you to have a quicker and better user experience,
- Filters: Choose HTTP headers to name business transactions,
* MISC: Access to on line documentation directly from Nudge APM plateform.